For a family that enjoys "just being" as opposed to "being busy", we really have been much busier than we normally are.
We had homeschool co-op every Friday, volleyball and Bible study with friends every Saturday, and each week usually brought another activity.
The end of January was the Rock and Mineral Show
The first week in February was our first historic dance (we had been going to dance practice every week, not to mention having all of the young ladies at my house sewing their costumes) What fun we all had!!
Girls with rag curls for the dance |
#1 Dancing |
#5 being a "weasel" |
#3 Dancing |
#2 Dancing |
Little boys |
We went along with Daddy to Dallas for a speaking engagement and did a little shopping at Grapevine Mills Mall.
I took the 3 oldest to the Natural Science Museum in Houston.
We repainted the kitchen, dining room, and hallway .
I took #1 to see the Hobbit for her Birthday, and #2 enjoyed seeing it with Daddy for his "unbirthday"
We celebrated #4's 9th birthday.
We graduated to a big white van in anticipation of #7's arrival.
And then we got sick :(
A nasty cold swept through the house right before Baby Girl's arrival and even sent me to the hospital for the day- yuck!
While no one likes to be sick, it did slow us down and keep us home as we wait for our newest member to make her arrival.
We're all on the mend now, and finishing up all of those projects that I didn't really think we would get to before Baby's arrival (like taxes and catching up the blog!), but each day goes pretty quickly since there is always something to do.