Friday, April 18, 2014

A Month- Already?!?!

I can hardly believe that it has been over a month since our new little girl made her way into the world.

After a short and intense labor, the little Rosebud was born within minutes of the midwife's arrival.

She was born on a Sunday and I did total bed rest for an entire week. By the second week, we were all ready to get back into a more normal routine. With so many weeks of being sick and recovering from that, it feels like it has been far too long since "normal" happened. For the next 2 weeks, I managed the house and home school in the morning, and then rested the rest of the day. It's been a wonderful recovery for me. The baby is easy going and is happy to sleep 3-4 hours at a time at night.

The children are all smitten with her. When #5 met her, she was sleeping in her bassinet. Daddy was holding him, and he just looked at her for a bit. All of a sudden he must have realized what he was seeing because the biggest, sweetest, most delighted smile lit up his face. He spent the next few days trying to make sure she was taken care of. "Him can sleep in my bed." "Her can have my lunch" (Obviously he needs a bit of pronoun help, but no help with knowing his job as big brother!)

#6 needed a bit of reassurance the first week, but he's been fine with some extra snuggles and attention- none of which was hard to find in this house!

What fun to have a tiny baby girl!

Little boys with Baby Sister
"She's King hat" said #5