Monday, May 28, 2012

38 weeks

2 babies have come at 38 weeks, so I know it could be any time.
The uncomfortable part of me is more than ready, but the other parts of me just isn't! There's still so many loose ends to tie up, and things to do, plus the fact that the sooner I have the baby the less likely I'm going to have any water relief fills me with dread.

Regardless, preperations continue on.

There are 18 dinners ready to go. 8 breakfasts (obviously the one I worry with the least) and 15 lunches. Not bad for a week's work.

Only 2 plants left to plant, and those will be done this evening. I'm shocked and proud of us for what we managed to accomplish with the gardens with all else that has gone on.

All shopping is done until fall. I made a very strict budget of $100/child including swimware and shoes, $50 to fill in gaps with the new baby, $50 for #5, only undershirts and town shorts for the husband, and nothing for me. I ended up needing swimware, but that's it. After all, I'm going to be 5 different sizes this summer, so why bother buying anything. I'm pleased to say that I stuck with the budget! New undies and socks, plus toothbrushes, and we are all set to go.

The pool is built, and stable. We're still having some issues with the water color, and we haven't hooked up the spa (thus my inability to use it for labor if I go at night, which I usually do). We're enjoying it to it's full potential, regardless!

Baby clothes are washed, and ready. Birth kit assembled. Laundry caught up.

Whatever time I have left will be spent trying to tie up loose ends in the garden and business. 

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